Sea Kayak Training Courses

and why they are important

know your limits when sea kayaking

Sea Kayak Courses

If you really want to enjoy it sea kayaking you need to develop the appropriate skills, knowledge and experience.

The very minimum training you require is the Basic Kayak Control Course + the Basic Rescue Course. These are the fundamentals, the building blocks of your sea kayaking journey.  
You then have to add some sea kayak trips (with experienced paddlers) to consolidate your learning and add real-world context to the training that you have had.

Just remember, it is also essential for the safety and enjoyment of anyone that you are paddling with, that you know how to control your kayak and able to be responsible in a time where things aren’t quite going right!

Sea kayaking is a very complex activity

***Nasa trains its space station astronauts by taking them on a 9 day sea kayak journey to simulate the difficulties of working in space!***

At SKAG, our mission is to provide exceptional sea kayak training that goes beyond skill building, emphasizing ocean education, a common-sense approach to safety, adherence to first principles in training & knowledge, and unwavering commitment to ocean conservation.

What are the steps to becoming a competent sea kayaker ?

1. Safety First – do a training course or many!

Experience can teach you valuable lessons, formal training provides you with the necessary knowledge and skills to handle different situations safely.

Training programs cover topics such as navigation, rescue techniques, weather interpretation, and equipment usage, ensuring that you are well-prepared for any challenges you may encounter.

2. Get experience paddling with other more experienced and skilled sea kayakers!


No matter how much training you have, you need experience to know what the training means. However, you on water you need backup for when something goes wrong that you hadn’t expected.

Paddle with a kayak group or someone who has skills to keep you out of trouble.

3. Learn about the environments you are kayaking in and how they combine.


How does the weather affect your sea kayak trip. Are there any tidal currents? What is the forecast for the entire journey. What size waves!
Understanding the mysteries of the atmosphere and the oceans takes a lifetime of experience. 

Our online courses provide a shortcut to ancient wisdom.


The magic begins.

Everything is new and impossibly easy or impossibly hard. 
The secret to getting from beginner to competent is to never over estimate your abilities and under estimate the dynamic nature and  power of the environment in which you paddle.

You don’t know what you don’t know!


Once training, theory and experience merge competence results. 

This will take many sea kayak trips, which is the enjoyable part – infact the entire reason for doing training courses.

Our community of paddlers are always looking for people to get out on the ocean / lake with.
The pathway to competence is open.


A life time achievement!

A never ending, moving goal post.

The ultimate challenge and most satisfying quest. 

Every new journey is a new learning experience.

Current SKAG Training Courses

Basic Kayak Control

1 day

Basic Safety & Rescue

1 day

Understanding Tidal Currents

2 day